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Do you want to know how to be a good student and succeed in school? Do you know how to get good grades? Do you have good communication skills with teachers? How to understand all your homework without any help from your friends or teachers? How to pass all your tests? How to prepare for the real world?

One of the things that students hear most often is, “Do your work and take  school seriously.” However, we as students, sometimes have thought that we aren’t good enough. We don't understand. We think we’re stupid or dumb. But despite all of that, if students come prepared for school, and ready to learn, it will be worth it. 

Most of the students focus on their grades. The lazy way to do this is by copying from other students. While it’s a short term solution for those moments when you feel like you just can't take anymore typing and brain usage, this can bring your grade down and get scholars in trouble because of a thing called plagiarism which is a very serious offense. Grades don't define how people are, but grades do however, open doors for the future.  

When students are having trouble understanding or don’t know what the next step is on an assignment or homework it is best to seek advice from our teachers. This is one of the rules most teachers have–and even try to push onto students when they want to improve their grades. Tutoring is a perfect example of this. Being lazy and giving up on low-score assignments doesn't help. It's best to ask for help on time before it's too late. 

To make life easier with homework, the best advice to have is to find study methods that suit your needs. What  this means is that you shouldn't waste time on what you don’t need to study. Students who know how to solve a problem instantly and already know what to do, don't need to waste their time on that material. Instead, study the ones that will be useful for the upcoming assignments or even quizzes that will be tested. All useful resources can also prepare students to understand most topics for your classes. Even if studying can take most of your time, it will be worth it in the end. 

One of the things that terrifies students the most are tests. Once we are in that position, we just stare at our tests, our minds go blank! But once it's something that scholars already know, students get straight to filling in those bubbles or jump right into writing. This is why it's best to take notes and study. Students can get lazy, yes, I can’t lie when I say that it happens to me too, but we as students must at least put in the effort. Tests are more serious than any homework, they represent what scholars have learned throughout the lessons. Ms. Baptist, a member of the social science department, had a big struggle with English. This might seem a little ironic since we see teachers and other staff as experts, but they're usually relatable to us when it comes to our academic struggles; we’ve all struggled at some point. That's why it is important to pay attention in class and do the study guides when teachers ask us to.

You’ll see the great change that following my recommendations bring, it will be easy for you to open the doors towards a brighter future when you take school seriously.


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Updated: Thu Feb 22 2024 08:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


How to be a good scholar


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Do you want to know how to be a good student and succeed in school? Do you know how to get good grades? Do you have good communication skills with teachers? How to understand all your homework without any help from your friends or teachers? How to pass all your tests? How to prepare for the real world?

One of the things that students hear most often is, “Do your work and take  school seriously.” However, we as students, sometimes have thought that we aren’t good enough. We don't understand. We think we’re stupid or dumb. But despite all of that, if students come prepared for school, and ready to learn, it will be worth it. 

Most of the students focus on their grades. The lazy way to do this is by copying from other students. While it’s a short term solution for those moments when you feel like you just can't take anymore typing and brain usage, this can bring your grade down and get scholars in trouble because of a thing called plagiarism which is a very serious offense. Grades don't define how people are, but grades do however, open doors for the future.  

When students are having trouble understanding or don’t know what the next step is on an assignment or homework it is best to seek advice from our teachers. This is one of the rules most teachers have–and even try to push onto students when they want to improve their grades. Tutoring is a perfect example of this. Being lazy and giving up on low-score assignments doesn't help. It's best to ask for help on time before it's too late. 

To make life easier with homework, the best advice to have is to find study methods that suit your needs. What  this means is that you shouldn't waste time on what you don’t need to study. Students who know how to solve a problem instantly and already know what to do, don't need to waste their time on that material. Instead, study the ones that will be useful for the upcoming assignments or even quizzes that will be tested. All useful resources can also prepare students to understand most topics for your classes. Even if studying can take most of your time, it will be worth it in the end. 

One of the things that terrifies students the most are tests. Once we are in that position, we just stare at our tests, our minds go blank! But once it's something that scholars already know, students get straight to filling in those bubbles or jump right into writing. This is why it's best to take notes and study. Students can get lazy, yes, I can’t lie when I say that it happens to me too, but we as students must at least put in the effort. Tests are more serious than any homework, they represent what scholars have learned throughout the lessons. Ms. Baptist, a member of the social science department, had a big struggle with English. This might seem a little ironic since we see teachers and other staff as experts, but they're usually relatable to us when it comes to our academic struggles; we’ve all struggled at some point. That's why it is important to pay attention in class and do the study guides when teachers ask us to.

You’ll see the great change that following my recommendations bring, it will be easy for you to open the doors towards a brighter future when you take school seriously.

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