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The following four poems were the winning submissions from the "I Am" Poem contest held in advisories during January as a part of Neuwirth's "No Place For Hate" initiative.

All submitted poems were judged on a rubric by members of the Advisory Grade Level Lead Team. Winning poets received a $50 prize and performed their pieces at the school assembly on February 28.

Click on the drop-down arrows to read each poem

Lesly Mateo (12th grade)

My body aches when I hear the word immigration

The constant fear I feel every day 

As if we have to prepare for a war

My parents left their home, friends, and family 

They left it behind to give me opportunities 

that they imagined in their mind 

to become a reality  

They taught me never to give up, but to keep pushing forward 

They sacrificed their own dreams to make sure I could fulfill mine 

They didn’t worry about papers or borders wide 

or if we had enough money or not 

for a plate of food  

All they cared about was my happiness 

then their happiness 

Their focus was on me, my future inside 

They’d tell me to study hard, do well in school 

Your education is key, it’s the tool 

To unlock doors, to shatter glass ceilings high 

I’ll take their lessons, their words, their hearts of gold 

And forge a path, where my story is yet untold


Thanks to my parents 

Who are warriors 

They risked their lives 

daily to secure my future 

Who traveled the ocean 

Just so I could rest my head soft on a pillow

Maria Nieves (12th grade)

Tai'yana Locket (10th grade)

Sharlyn Martinez Gonzales (9th grade)

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Updated: Thu Mar 06 2025 17:21:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


"I Am" Poems


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The following four poems were the winning submissions from the "I Am" Poem contest held in advisories during January as a part of Neuwirth's "No Place For Hate" initiative.

All submitted poems were judged on a rubric by members of the Advisory Grade Level Lead Team. Winning poets received a $50 prize and performed their pieces at the school assembly on February 28.

Click on the drop-down arrows to read each poem

Lesly Mateo (12th grade)

My body aches when I hear the word immigration

The constant fear I feel every day 

As if we have to prepare for a war

My parents left their home, friends, and family 

They left it behind to give me opportunities 

that they imagined in their mind 

to become a reality  

They taught me never to give up, but to keep pushing forward 

They sacrificed their own dreams to make sure I could fulfill mine 

They didn’t worry about papers or borders wide 

or if we had enough money or not 

for a plate of food  

All they cared about was my happiness 

then their happiness 

Their focus was on me, my future inside 

They’d tell me to study hard, do well in school 

Your education is key, it’s the tool 

To unlock doors, to shatter glass ceilings high 

I’ll take their lessons, their words, their hearts of gold 

And forge a path, where my story is yet untold


Thanks to my parents 

Who are warriors 

They risked their lives 

daily to secure my future 

Who traveled the ocean 

Just so I could rest my head soft on a pillow

Maria Nieves (12th grade)

Tai'yana Locket (10th grade)

Sharlyn Martinez Gonzales (9th grade)

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