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Would you rather spend your time studying or being on your phone? Recent studies have shown that many students nowadays spend more and more time on their phone than they do studying. As technology advances, phones become thresholds to social media, messaging, and games. As students become increasingly focused on the apps that are on their phones, they in turn use the time they otherwise have for assignments, on screen time. 

An issue that greatly affects class time. Sometimes people don’t sleep enough or become stressed in school because they don’t use their time wisely (studying or completing assignments) but instead find themselves deep in the bottomless pit of scrolling.

I interviewed two students who attend Neuwirth and gathered information on how much time they spend on their phone on a daily basis. 

Neuwirth Times How long do you spend on your phone on a regular basis, and what do you do when you're on it?

Ashley Morales (12): I spend 10 hours on my phone and I use social media like Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube. I usually spend time on the phone with loved ones as well.

Darlene Hernandez (12): On average, I spend about 6 hours a day on my phone usually using Tiktok and Instagram. I don’t notice how fast the time flies when I’m on my phone, sometimes I feel like I don’t use my phone that much but my screen time says otherwise.

Neuwirth Times How much time do you spend studying or working on assignments?

Ashley Morales: I spend around 5 hours working on assignments. I have AP classes which take up most of my time.

Darlene Hernandez: I typically spend less than 3 hours a week working on schoolwork and homework assignments. I refuse to study more than 1 hour per day because I’d rather have fun watching TikTok videos and texting my friends on Instagram. 

High school students are prioritizing their phones and leaving education to the side, which shouldn't be happening because education determines a student’s future potential and success most if not all of the time. Researchers have recruited 439 students from Central Switzerland, ranging from ages 12-17. They found that many of these students would use their phone during the night for hours. As a result, poor health was shown due to staying up all night. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that teen obsession with phones is not having a positive effect on physical and mental health.

What does one gain from phone usage? Not much. Maybe some entertainment for a couple of hours but besides that, does it actually serve a purpose? This is exactly why focusing on education is a better choice that will benefit you and your future. For the upcoming year we should change this habit of using our phone 24/7. It's a New year, let's get off our phones and in our books! 


Published: true

Updated: Thu Mar 07 2024 18:03:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


New Year, New Priorities


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Would you rather spend your time studying or being on your phone? Recent studies have shown that many students nowadays spend more and more time on their phone than they do studying. As technology advances, phones become thresholds to social media, messaging, and games. As students become increasingly focused on the apps that are on their phones, they in turn use the time they otherwise have for assignments, on screen time. 

An issue that greatly affects class time. Sometimes people don’t sleep enough or become stressed in school because they don’t use their time wisely (studying or completing assignments) but instead find themselves deep in the bottomless pit of scrolling.

I interviewed two students who attend Neuwirth and gathered information on how much time they spend on their phone on a daily basis. 

Neuwirth Times How long do you spend on your phone on a regular basis, and what do you do when you're on it?

Ashley Morales (12): I spend 10 hours on my phone and I use social media like Tiktok, Instagram, and Youtube. I usually spend time on the phone with loved ones as well.

Darlene Hernandez (12): On average, I spend about 6 hours a day on my phone usually using Tiktok and Instagram. I don’t notice how fast the time flies when I’m on my phone, sometimes I feel like I don’t use my phone that much but my screen time says otherwise.

Neuwirth Times How much time do you spend studying or working on assignments?

Ashley Morales: I spend around 5 hours working on assignments. I have AP classes which take up most of my time.

Darlene Hernandez: I typically spend less than 3 hours a week working on schoolwork and homework assignments. I refuse to study more than 1 hour per day because I’d rather have fun watching TikTok videos and texting my friends on Instagram. 

High school students are prioritizing their phones and leaving education to the side, which shouldn't be happening because education determines a student’s future potential and success most if not all of the time. Researchers have recruited 439 students from Central Switzerland, ranging from ages 12-17. They found that many of these students would use their phone during the night for hours. As a result, poor health was shown due to staying up all night. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that teen obsession with phones is not having a positive effect on physical and mental health.

What does one gain from phone usage? Not much. Maybe some entertainment for a couple of hours but besides that, does it actually serve a purpose? This is exactly why focusing on education is a better choice that will benefit you and your future. For the upcoming year we should change this habit of using our phone 24/7. It's a New year, let's get off our phones and in our books! 

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