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The counselors at Neuwirth, also known as RTC, are working very hard to make sure every student knows where to turn if they are struggling with mental health.

Does Neuwirth care about the scholar’s health? Take a walk down the hall, and it’s easy to see that Neuwirth does care. One can’t help but notice the giant bulletin board on the stairwell near the loading dock, the posters everywhere with advice and direct links to reach out for help, and even an entire month dedicated to awareness. Walk down the hallway across from the first-floor restrooms and you will find an entire team to help you out in any way - no matter what it is and how long it will take.

A poster in the hallway features members of the Counseling Team at Neuwirth

The RTC (Road To College) team is made up of counselors, teachers, and social workers who are trying to make it normal and easy for any scholars who need help to come and ask. The team is very nice -  like Monica Aguilar - who is one the nicest people I have ever met and is always there to help you with anything. 

Furthermore, there are a lot of posters talking about mental health and saying to come and ask for help and there is a poster that is in every classroom that has a QR code and takes you to a Referral Form and this Form is seen by the counseling office or the team of mental health, they will see what you need for help and they will get the right person to help you and they will do it ASAP. 

Ms. Mandujano. The 9th-grade counselor was kind enough to answer a few questions about RTC at Neuwirth. With about 650 students at Neuwirth, you might be surprised to learn that “roughly 2,000 students are coming in for help each year.” With that many requests for help, you might wonder how the counselors can manage it all. When asked about how much effort counselors put forward to help students, Mandujano replied with a caring smile “We always put in our best efforts if it could be a percent it probably be 150% of the effort we are putting in”  She went on to say that “it doesn’t matter how long it will take we will do it” to show that they really will not ever give up on a student who is in need. 

A QR Code allows students to ask for help directly and anonymously

Is it working? Are students who go to the counselors getting the help they need and getting better? Mandujano kindly responded that students who reach out to any counselor will typically feel better than they did before just by sharing and having someone listen to them.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and here at Neuwirth, there will be various activities and events around the school to raise awareness about mental health and the availability of resources and help available to everyone. You don’t have to wait until May to ask for help or learn more about the importance of mental health;  Neuwirth does really care about scholar's health and they are putting a lot of effort into helping us with our health in any way. 

If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health, complete a self-referral. You can also always access services like Teen Line, Suicide and Crisis, Trevor Project, and 211 La County at any time.

Published: true

Updated: Mon Sep 23 2024 21:49:36 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Struggling with Mental Health? Neuwirth Can Help


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The counselors at Neuwirth, also known as RTC, are working very hard to make sure every student knows where to turn if they are struggling with mental health.

Does Neuwirth care about the scholar’s health? Take a walk down the hall, and it’s easy to see that Neuwirth does care. One can’t help but notice the giant bulletin board on the stairwell near the loading dock, the posters everywhere with advice and direct links to reach out for help, and even an entire month dedicated to awareness. Walk down the hallway across from the first-floor restrooms and you will find an entire team to help you out in any way - no matter what it is and how long it will take.

A poster in the hallway features members of the Counseling Team at Neuwirth

The RTC (Road To College) team is made up of counselors, teachers, and social workers who are trying to make it normal and easy for any scholars who need help to come and ask. The team is very nice -  like Monica Aguilar - who is one the nicest people I have ever met and is always there to help you with anything. 

Furthermore, there are a lot of posters talking about mental health and saying to come and ask for help and there is a poster that is in every classroom that has a QR code and takes you to a Referral Form and this Form is seen by the counseling office or the team of mental health, they will see what you need for help and they will get the right person to help you and they will do it ASAP. 

Ms. Mandujano. The 9th-grade counselor was kind enough to answer a few questions about RTC at Neuwirth. With about 650 students at Neuwirth, you might be surprised to learn that “roughly 2,000 students are coming in for help each year.” With that many requests for help, you might wonder how the counselors can manage it all. When asked about how much effort counselors put forward to help students, Mandujano replied with a caring smile “We always put in our best efforts if it could be a percent it probably be 150% of the effort we are putting in”  She went on to say that “it doesn’t matter how long it will take we will do it” to show that they really will not ever give up on a student who is in need. 

A QR Code allows students to ask for help directly and anonymously

Is it working? Are students who go to the counselors getting the help they need and getting better? Mandujano kindly responded that students who reach out to any counselor will typically feel better than they did before just by sharing and having someone listen to them.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and here at Neuwirth, there will be various activities and events around the school to raise awareness about mental health and the availability of resources and help available to everyone. You don’t have to wait until May to ask for help or learn more about the importance of mental health;  Neuwirth does really care about scholar's health and they are putting a lot of effort into helping us with our health in any way. 

If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental health, complete a self-referral. You can also always access services like Teen Line, Suicide and Crisis, Trevor Project, and 211 La County at any time.

The Neuwirth Times

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