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You must know Jesus Montoya Jr. 

Even if you don’t personally know him, you have seen him around the halls, outside the patio, or at a soccer game.

Wherever he’s at, you'll notice him, it’s super easy to recognize him. You won't miss him. While everyone knows who Jesus is, most don’t know Jesus Montoya's perspective on being at Neuwirth Leadership Academy, family values, and other background factors contributing to his future and goals.   

Jesus Montoya (11th grade) Jr is considerably one of the funniest and most talented students at Neuwirth Leadership Academy. Born In Torrance, California Jesus grew up playing soccer at a young age with his father who he looked up to the most. At a young age, Jesus Montoya Jr and his father had a great journey through his soccer experience. His father has always had the privilege of being there for his son to support him no matter the circumstance, resulting in dozens of soccer achievements from his father's work and training. Family has been one of the top priorities for Jesus due to the relationship between his parents being the ones who have always been there for him since the beginning of his life. He is grateful for all he has in life and appreciates the small moments he has with his parents, knowing it means a lot. 

In school, Jesus doesn’t like being in classes throughout the day, even though he is arguably a smart student and has won Student of the Month. As a fellow junior in the 11 grade, Geodryn Maldonado says that “Jesus is a very charismatic person who always has a smile on his face and certainly lightens up the mood” during certain occasions in school or when he hangs out with him. Geodryn goes on to say that Jesus has had a good impact on himself and other peers at the school. Like Geodryn, another Neuwirth student said “Jesus is always filled with energy and tends to have a positive view of things around him.” 

At this moment, as Juniors are transitioning their way into their final year of high school, Jesus is still deciding

whether or not he will go to college. Being at Neuwirth for a person like Jesus has always been bright. He continues to think about the bigger picture in any situation. At times he questions his purpose in life and plans for his future after finishing school. He believes in fulfilling himself by working hard and making the impossible possible. There were situations where people doubted him on the goals he had always dreamed of having in life, yet he has proved them wrong by taking action and dedicating himself to the next level of pursuing the things he had always dreamed of as a young teenager. One of the main things Jesus has always wanted was to buy his dream car. A car that would bring him joy to take the time to drive the car he has always imagined. But the most vital thing he has always envisioned was to be financially stable and give back to his parents with the providence they have brought to Jesus.

Jesus suggests following your dreams as everything is possible as long as you put your mind and dedication to it. He believes that there’s no point in eyeing the negative and it doesn’t make anything better and says that everyone should be kind to each other as one doesn’t know what others might be going through. 

If you want to talk to someone who will make you laugh, Jesus is that guy to be around, just make sure you bring him an accordion and he’ll honor you with a performance.


Published: true

Updated: Mon May 06 2024 07:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


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You must know Jesus Montoya Jr. 

Even if you don’t personally know him, you have seen him around the halls, outside the patio, or at a soccer game.

Wherever he’s at, you'll notice him, it’s super easy to recognize him. You won't miss him. While everyone knows who Jesus is, most don’t know Jesus Montoya's perspective on being at Neuwirth Leadership Academy, family values, and other background factors contributing to his future and goals.   

Jesus Montoya (11th grade) Jr is considerably one of the funniest and most talented students at Neuwirth Leadership Academy. Born In Torrance, California Jesus grew up playing soccer at a young age with his father who he looked up to the most. At a young age, Jesus Montoya Jr and his father had a great journey through his soccer experience. His father has always had the privilege of being there for his son to support him no matter the circumstance, resulting in dozens of soccer achievements from his father's work and training. Family has been one of the top priorities for Jesus due to the relationship between his parents being the ones who have always been there for him since the beginning of his life. He is grateful for all he has in life and appreciates the small moments he has with his parents, knowing it means a lot. 

In school, Jesus doesn’t like being in classes throughout the day, even though he is arguably a smart student and has won Student of the Month. As a fellow junior in the 11 grade, Geodryn Maldonado says that “Jesus is a very charismatic person who always has a smile on his face and certainly lightens up the mood” during certain occasions in school or when he hangs out with him. Geodryn goes on to say that Jesus has had a good impact on himself and other peers at the school. Like Geodryn, another Neuwirth student said “Jesus is always filled with energy and tends to have a positive view of things around him.” 

At this moment, as Juniors are transitioning their way into their final year of high school, Jesus is still deciding

whether or not he will go to college. Being at Neuwirth for a person like Jesus has always been bright. He continues to think about the bigger picture in any situation. At times he questions his purpose in life and plans for his future after finishing school. He believes in fulfilling himself by working hard and making the impossible possible. There were situations where people doubted him on the goals he had always dreamed of having in life, yet he has proved them wrong by taking action and dedicating himself to the next level of pursuing the things he had always dreamed of as a young teenager. One of the main things Jesus has always wanted was to buy his dream car. A car that would bring him joy to take the time to drive the car he has always imagined. But the most vital thing he has always envisioned was to be financially stable and give back to his parents with the providence they have brought to Jesus.

Jesus suggests following your dreams as everything is possible as long as you put your mind and dedication to it. He believes that there’s no point in eyeing the negative and it doesn’t make anything better and says that everyone should be kind to each other as one doesn’t know what others might be going through. 

If you want to talk to someone who will make you laugh, Jesus is that guy to be around, just make sure you bring him an accordion and he’ll honor you with a performance.

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