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Who can you trust? As students, we often place our trust in our friends, and sometimes the adults in our lives, like our parents. But have you ever trusted a teacher? Teachers are often strict and guarded, but there is a new teacher here at Neuwirth who has immediately gained the trust of every student that she teaches, and is making an impact to change lives and shape the future for our Boxer community. Ms. Baptiste is one of the newest staff here at Neuwirth, teaching U.S. history to 11th grade and Social Movements to 9th grade, and her presence on this campus is making a mark.

Ms. Baptiste was born in Southern California on March 15, 1998. As she grew, her childhood was “fantastic until my parents got a divorce when I was in the 6th grade and my family fell apart.” This is part of a struggle at an early age that brings many issues. For her school was easy academically but she struggled with mental health.  

“I struggled with my mental health throughout my high school years. I also struggled with being one of the few LGBT students on my high school and middle school campus.”

Similar to a student who has big dreams of what they want to be in high school, things changed for Ms. Baptiste when it came to her career aspirations. “My dream job in high school was to be a physical therapist. I wanted to be that because that’s what my mom told me I would be good at.”

After graduating high school, Baptiste enrolled at Cal State LA in 2016. She struggled with it since she had to "commute from Riverside County to LA for the first year of college.” After that first year, she was thinking of moving here to LA for her 2nd year of college where it would be easier for her to go, and “it was amazing ever since” 

During her college years, she decided to become a teacher. You may ask why. Of all the jobs there are, why a teacher? The reason was that she “had amazing teachers throughout my schooling.” That’s where she got her motivation to become an amazing teacher and we are blessed by her great teachers who inspired her to become the teacher we love today.

Ms. Baptiste started her first year teaching in 2020 at Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology High School. Her experience there was excellent and she loved it. She mentioned that her  “students were great, the teachers were great, and the counselors were great.”

In 2023, Ms. Baptiste's teaching journey shifted as she joined us here at Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy. “Neuwirth is fantastic and even better than I could have ever imagined. I love this school, the students, the teachers, the staff, the principals, and the spirit of the whole school”

Baptiste is a great teacher and an even better human being. Some advice she has for students is: “If you see something being done that you know is wrong (whether that is in your classes, your communities, your families, your friend groups, or in your country), speak up and speak out about it. Don’t just let it happen. Stand up for what is right, and inspire others to do the same.” It's right to say something for your own good and the benefit of others. It doesn’t matter who, do it because it's right. Every action has its consequence and people can regret it after 

She has only been here for a year, but talk to anyone who knows her, and you can tell that she is making her mark and starting a legacy here at Neuwirth

“Beyond my heart, I could never see her as a teacher, I see her more as a close friend to me, when I don't have anyone to talk to about my problems I go to her. Every time I need help, she is the first person I think of - Sandra T.

“I see her more than a teacher, most definitely an example to follow. She has positively impacted me in the past months since I met her. I could feel her positive attitude very calmly and respectfully no matter the situation. I feel safe to express myself. I feel safe talking and asking for advice in situations in life.” – Adrian R.

 “I think Ms. Baptiste is one of the coolest people I’ve met. They always carry themselves with a warm, quiet conviction. I see Ms. Baptiste as a passionate agent of positive change. They are a lifelong scholar and advocate with open minds, keen judgment, and a radiant, readily offered smile. Baptiste always positively impacts me when I see them in the hallway or their classroom because they fill me with a sense of neighborly connection. I feel listened to and supported. I feel excited to co-create with them. I empathize with their challenges and desire to lift them in any way I can because they do the same for others without hesitation. I feel that they are someone I want to call a lifelong friend even though I’ve only just met them this year.”- Mr.Hou 

“Ms.Baptiste is a very nice and helpful person. She has been a role model for me and my peers because she has explained many things about college and things to do for a better future. Always has a positive mindset no matter if it's morning or afternoon in school time. When I'm around her I feel good because of the positive vibes she gives everyone.``- Gustavo S.

“I see Ms.Baptiste as a very important role model for me and other students because she is young and sees her inspiration knowing a bit of what she has been through. She just has a similar lifestyle or similar generation you can say, which can relate to many students. When I'm around her, I feel safe to be myself and can express myself, and if I don't understand something I can ask for clarification and she will do it without hesitation.”-Vannesa V.


“She is very mature when talking about serious topics, even more so when it comes to me and my peers’ future. Rather, if she is just giving an opinion she is very respectful and reasonable about it. She is most definitely an example I would like to follow. She is very secure in the way she thinks and speaks which also motivates me to be more secure about my response.”- Julio S.

“A very committed person, a unique person not scared to ask questions about your thoughts that she can be confused about. If I ever have a debrief of anything going on in life I feel secure about asking her because I know her response is fully transparent.” - Jayden T.

All of these responses sum up the idea of how one unique person like Ms.Baptiste can have a very positive impact on students. These responses were of students’ minds giving their opinions because there is nothing to say negatively about a teacher who shows care when students need her even if she is not feeling the best.


Published: true

Updated: Mon May 13 2024 18:00:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Who is Ms. Baptiste?


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Who can you trust? As students, we often place our trust in our friends, and sometimes the adults in our lives, like our parents. But have you ever trusted a teacher? Teachers are often strict and guarded, but there is a new teacher here at Neuwirth who has immediately gained the trust of every student that she teaches, and is making an impact to change lives and shape the future for our Boxer community. Ms. Baptiste is one of the newest staff here at Neuwirth, teaching U.S. history to 11th grade and Social Movements to 9th grade, and her presence on this campus is making a mark.

Ms. Baptiste was born in Southern California on March 15, 1998. As she grew, her childhood was “fantastic until my parents got a divorce when I was in the 6th grade and my family fell apart.” This is part of a struggle at an early age that brings many issues. For her school was easy academically but she struggled with mental health.  

“I struggled with my mental health throughout my high school years. I also struggled with being one of the few LGBT students on my high school and middle school campus.”

Similar to a student who has big dreams of what they want to be in high school, things changed for Ms. Baptiste when it came to her career aspirations. “My dream job in high school was to be a physical therapist. I wanted to be that because that’s what my mom told me I would be good at.”

After graduating high school, Baptiste enrolled at Cal State LA in 2016. She struggled with it since she had to "commute from Riverside County to LA for the first year of college.” After that first year, she was thinking of moving here to LA for her 2nd year of college where it would be easier for her to go, and “it was amazing ever since” 

During her college years, she decided to become a teacher. You may ask why. Of all the jobs there are, why a teacher? The reason was that she “had amazing teachers throughout my schooling.” That’s where she got her motivation to become an amazing teacher and we are blessed by her great teachers who inspired her to become the teacher we love today.

Ms. Baptiste started her first year teaching in 2020 at Alliance Judy Ivie Burton Technology High School. Her experience there was excellent and she loved it. She mentioned that her  “students were great, the teachers were great, and the counselors were great.”

In 2023, Ms. Baptiste's teaching journey shifted as she joined us here at Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy. “Neuwirth is fantastic and even better than I could have ever imagined. I love this school, the students, the teachers, the staff, the principals, and the spirit of the whole school”

Baptiste is a great teacher and an even better human being. Some advice she has for students is: “If you see something being done that you know is wrong (whether that is in your classes, your communities, your families, your friend groups, or in your country), speak up and speak out about it. Don’t just let it happen. Stand up for what is right, and inspire others to do the same.” It's right to say something for your own good and the benefit of others. It doesn’t matter who, do it because it's right. Every action has its consequence and people can regret it after 

She has only been here for a year, but talk to anyone who knows her, and you can tell that she is making her mark and starting a legacy here at Neuwirth

“Beyond my heart, I could never see her as a teacher, I see her more as a close friend to me, when I don't have anyone to talk to about my problems I go to her. Every time I need help, she is the first person I think of - Sandra T.

“I see her more than a teacher, most definitely an example to follow. She has positively impacted me in the past months since I met her. I could feel her positive attitude very calmly and respectfully no matter the situation. I feel safe to express myself. I feel safe talking and asking for advice in situations in life.” – Adrian R.

 “I think Ms. Baptiste is one of the coolest people I’ve met. They always carry themselves with a warm, quiet conviction. I see Ms. Baptiste as a passionate agent of positive change. They are a lifelong scholar and advocate with open minds, keen judgment, and a radiant, readily offered smile. Baptiste always positively impacts me when I see them in the hallway or their classroom because they fill me with a sense of neighborly connection. I feel listened to and supported. I feel excited to co-create with them. I empathize with their challenges and desire to lift them in any way I can because they do the same for others without hesitation. I feel that they are someone I want to call a lifelong friend even though I’ve only just met them this year.”- Mr.Hou 

“Ms.Baptiste is a very nice and helpful person. She has been a role model for me and my peers because she has explained many things about college and things to do for a better future. Always has a positive mindset no matter if it's morning or afternoon in school time. When I'm around her I feel good because of the positive vibes she gives everyone.``- Gustavo S.

“I see Ms.Baptiste as a very important role model for me and other students because she is young and sees her inspiration knowing a bit of what she has been through. She just has a similar lifestyle or similar generation you can say, which can relate to many students. When I'm around her, I feel safe to be myself and can express myself, and if I don't understand something I can ask for clarification and she will do it without hesitation.”-Vannesa V.


“She is very mature when talking about serious topics, even more so when it comes to me and my peers’ future. Rather, if she is just giving an opinion she is very respectful and reasonable about it. She is most definitely an example I would like to follow. She is very secure in the way she thinks and speaks which also motivates me to be more secure about my response.”- Julio S.

“A very committed person, a unique person not scared to ask questions about your thoughts that she can be confused about. If I ever have a debrief of anything going on in life I feel secure about asking her because I know her response is fully transparent.” - Jayden T.

All of these responses sum up the idea of how one unique person like Ms.Baptiste can have a very positive impact on students. These responses were of students’ minds giving their opinions because there is nothing to say negatively about a teacher who shows care when students need her even if she is not feeling the best.

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